Otvaranje svetle sobe
Otvaranje svetle sobe
15.03.2013. godine uz prisustvo gostiju iz Školske uprave Kragujevac, Skupštine grada Kragujevca, KBC Kragujevac, škola iz grada, Centra za socijalni rad, preduzeća Zastava Inpro, dečije ustanove Nada Naumović, interresorne komisije, Zavoda za smeštaj odraslih Male Pčelice i dr. otvorena je svetla soba. Svetla soba je namenjena senzornoj integraciji dece sa razvojnim problemima.
Trogodišnje iskustvo i pozitivni efekti rada u senzornoj sobi, stvorili su potrebu za proširenjem prostora obogaćenog novom opremom i sadržajima. S druge strane, osluškujući potrebe i reakcije dece, uočili smo da pojedinoj deci ne prija taman i potpuno izolovan prostor senzorne sobe, što je rezultiralo formiranjem svetle sobe, prostorije sa puno dnevnog svetla, takodje namenjenoj stimulaciji čula. rad u svetloj sobi odvija se individualno ili u malim homogenim grupama, a planira se prema specifičnim karakteristikama i potrebama deteta.
Odnedavno, u Školi se primenjuje i SLUŠNI INTEGRACIJSKI TRENING (SIT), zasnovan na slušanju muzike, po određenoj šemi. Iskustva u svetu pokazuju pozitivne efekte kod dece sa autizmom, ADHD, Retovim sindromom, Daunovim sindromom, disleksijom, problemima u učenju i ponašanju.
Istoga dana, otvorena je i nova kuhinja, a zahvaljujući primeni svih međunarodnih standarda u nabavci i spremanju hrane uručen je i sertifikat ISO 9001.
Opening of the Bright room
On 15th of March 2013 the Bright room was officially open in the presence of guests from the School Administration of City of Kragujevac , City Assembly , Hospital centre from Kragujevac , other schools , Social service ,company Zastava Inpro , kindergarten Nada Naumovic, Inter-department Commission , the Institute for accommodation of adults Male Pcelice. Bright room is intended for sensory integration of children with development problems.
Three-year experience and the positive effects from working in the sensory room have created the need to expand the space enriched with new equipment and facilities. On the other hand, listening to the needs and responses of children, we have found that some children do not enjoy dark and completely isolated space of sensory room, which led us to open the bright room, room with lots of natural light, and it is also intended to stimulate the senses. The work in bright room is carried out individually or in small homogeneous groups, and working plans are made according to the specific characteristics and needs of the child .
Recently, the School applied an AUDITORY INTEGRATION TRAINING (AIT), based on listening to the music according to specific pattern. Experience around the world shows positive effects with children with autism, ADHD, Rett syndrome, Down syndrome, dyslexia, difficulties in learning and in behavior.
On the same day the new kitchen was open, thanks to the implementation of all international standards in acquisition and preparation of food.