Delta – Yuhor


Delta Fondacija kroz svoje aktivnosti u okviru projekta Unapređenje kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom, ima za cilj podizanje nivoa svesti društva o mogućnostima osoba sa invaliditetom. Ovo čini promovisanjem njihovih mogućnosti, unapređenjem životnih veština i pripremom za samostalan život.

U saradnji sa Yuhorom, a u skladu sa društveno odgovornim poslovanjem ove kompanije  osmišljen je projekat „ UVEK IMA MESTA ZA DOBRE STVARI I DOBE LJUDE“ koji  kroz edukaciju, druženje sa poznatim ličnostima i izražavanjem kreativnosti postiže upravo gore navedeni cilj. Projekat je u saradnji sa glumcem Markom Stojanovićem već realizovan u petnaestak škola u Srbiji.

21.02.2013. godine, predstavnici Delta Fondacije i kompanije Yuhor su posetili našu školu. Svi učenici su dobili vredne pakete kompanije Yuhor, kao i čas pantomime našeg poznatog glumca Marka Stojanovića.



Delta Foundation and YUHOR
Delta Foundation through the activities of the project called Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, aims to raise awareness of the society about the capabilities of people with disabilities. They do it by promoting their capabilities, improving life skills and preparing them for independent life.
In cooperation with YUHOR, and according to the company’s social responsibility cooperation, Delta Foundation developed the project There’s always room for  good things and good people” which through education, socializing with celebrities and expression of creativity is reaching previously mentioned goals. The project cooperates with actor Marko Stojanovic and it is already implemented in fifteen other schools in Serbia.
On 21st of February 2013 representatives of the Delta Foundation and company Yuhor visited our school. All students have received valuable packages from Yuhor Company, and the short lesson of pantomime from our famous actor Marko Stojanovic




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